National Business Women’s Week Activities

Business & Professional Women of Lincolnton proudly announce the 2015 National Business Women’s Week activities October 19th – October 23rd:

Monday, October 19th at 8 am

Join us at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Cedar Street for “Breakfast and a Blessing” Enjoy the fellowship of other working women, partake in a continental breakfast and we will close with a Blessing by Pastor Rosa Erickson.

Tuesday, October 20th at 5:30

We will be meeting at the Lincoln Cultural Center to take previously collected gifts to a local women’s charity

Thursday, October 22nd at 6:30 pm

In the Reception Hall of the Lincoln Cultural Center members will be hosting a “Parade of Tables” featuring guest speaker and former NCBPW President, Carolyn Williams, and honoring past Lincoln County Women of the Year. Enjoy a nice dinner, meaningful fellowship and learn more about the BPW organization. Free admission, table tips are encouraged. RSVP to

Friday, October 23rd at 6:30 pm

In the Timken Performance Hall join us for a viewing of “Iron Jawed Angels” Co-Hosted by the League of Women’s Voters of Catawba Valley.

Katja von Garnier’s “Iron Jawed Angels” tells the remarkable story of a group of passionate and dynamic young women, led by Alice Paul (Hilary Swank) and her friend Lucy Burns (Frances O’Connor), who put their lives on the line to fight for American women’s right to vote. Admission: Donation to the BPW Foundation.