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BPW March meeting minutes
BPW-Lincolnton Minutes for Wednesday, March 09, 2016@ Lincoln Cultural Center, 11:30am – 1pm Present Members : Victoria Eicholtz, Faye Painter, , Dr. Karen Miller, Maria Goldstein, Yvonne McRee and new member Dr. Robin Owings, of ProWellness Chiropractic, who submitted her check today and is officially a member. Secretary Jackie Colucci emailed last month’s Minutes ahead of the meeting. Dr. Karen made the motion to accept the minutes as written seconded by MariaG. Our Co-Chair(s) were unable to attend. Our Vice President, Yvonne McRee chaired the meeting and those present discussed Cheryl’s email to all the Club members. Our major discussion was about poor attendance and a well-accepted meeting day or evening time. All in attendance indicated that they felt an evening meeting would be much better for most members. Just selecting the right date and time is the challenge. So, we are putting forth for Club member input…”the first Thursday evening of the month at 5:30pm”. Faye suggested that a meeting where dinner is available would be most likely appreciated and acceptable. To that end, Dr. Karen is checking for a meeting space at the Grafitti restaurant, Victoria will be checking on availability at the Court Street restaurant and Dr. Robin (our newest member) will checkout if the Lincolnton hospital meeting room that has the restaurant near the meeting room can be contacted. She is getting info about that to Maria. Now, these restaurants may not be available on the 1st Thursday evening of the month. The scouts will find out what nights, if any, are available at these suggested restaurants. Dr. Robin says another Club she belongs to meets and eats at the hospital and finds it very conducive to getting your food and bringing it to the meeting room (saves time). So, we have some ideas in play and to that end, Maria volunteered to call each of our members and ask if the 1st Thursday of the month would work for them for a dinner meeting and also try and find out what is inhibiting their attendance at our meetings. Meantime, if you can respond with your preference, do so, via email to Maria. Your input is most valued and needed. Please feel free to advise if you feel a dinner meeting would be okay with you. Also, any other suggestion is welcomed. Maria will keep track of the input on an evening dinner meeting and what day of the month has the most votes. Hopefully our Board will be able to attend our April meeting and advise what day of the month and where we will be meeting. They will inform us. Note: Two member checks were delivered to Shirley at the Chamber today . Shirley agreed to get them to Ann the Treasurer to be mailed to BPW . Checks received from Cathy Davis and Robin Owings. Lighter note: March is Primary month, please vote. It is also National Nutrition Month. Eating healthy does support longer, healthier living. If, you had a birthday in January, February and will this month of March hopefully we sent or will send … Happy Birthday wishes via Facebook and hopefully will be able to do so on our up and running BPW Lincolnton website. Respectfully submitted by Maria Goldstein, Membership, BPW- Lincolnton.